Orthodontic cephalometry Orthodontic cephalometry 2 Orthodontic cephalometry 3 Orthodontic cephalometry Orthodontic cephalometry Orthodontic cephalometry Orthodontic cephalometry Orthodontic cephalometry Orthodontic cephalometry Orthodontic cephalometry Orthodontic cephalometry
Softwarevfor Cephalometry

Video Tutorial LightningCeph Video Tutorial

LightningCeph 5.0 (Shareware)

is a software application specifically designed to perform cephalometric analysis, the clinical treatment of patient orthodontic problems, Bolton analysis, the analysis of anterior discrepancy and spatial analysis, all quickly and easily and constantly prompted.

LightningCeph translates each individual value recorded into its corresponding clinical meaning, it integrates the landmark points entered, and in relation to the age and sex of the patient concerned, generates a detailed diagnostic evaluation, and also permits tracings to be superimposed in any format required.

LightningCeph allows you to conduct cephalometric analysis directly from scanned x-rays saved to disk or by standard TWAIN or from cameras or CD. If you don't have access to a scanner, or if you need an extra-quick analysis, LightningCeph lets you use the screen like a negatoscope, and also lets you conduct customised cephalometric analyses. 

The need to use a digitizer has been eliminated.

Software for cephalometry

With LC, you don't have to be an expert in cephalometrics, because the program will automatically guide you step-by-step as to the points to click, and generates a written summary description and a graphical example. When the guided process to locate the individual landmarks has been completed, the programme generates a detailed and surprisingly accurate diagnostic report.

Cephalometric analysis available: Mc Namara, Downs, Ricketts, Comparative analysis, Steiner, Basis, Bjork, Giannì, Harwold, Jarabak, McGann, Quadrilater, Riedel, Standard, Tweed, Wits, Chieti, Cagliari, Ricketts comprehensive. Anyway this program is very flexible and lets you conduct customised cephalometric analyses.

In the version 5.0 the graphic aspect has been renewed, many functions have been added, in particular the VTO and the vector drawing with Bezier curves have been introduced. Thanks to the templates, the teeth can be quickly positioned in the cephalometric tracing by dragging them with the mouse


You can get a copy of LightningCeph 5.0 from the demo section of this site.


Pree software for cephalometry

Video Tutorial LabCeph Image processing

Using LabCeph Image processing, if you want to carry out particularly complex processing on images, you can also do it using templates, Bezier curves and more, and then import them directly into LabCeph 2.0, even using only the clipboard.

Video Tutorial LabCeph Image processing



LabCeph Image processing Freeware

(Free software for cephalometric image processing)

LabCeph Image Processing is a free software for cephalometry that allows multiple graphic functions, including vector ones, to process images of all kinds for any purpose and particularly for cephalometric use.

free cephalometry
Free orthodontic cephalometric software